Monday, June 9, 2008

Celebration Midwest Was Great!

We just finished "Celebration Midwest" in Warrensburg, Missouri, a gathering of the churches related to Newfrontiers in the Midwest. There was the feel of a big family reunion. Of course in a growing family there are always new members to get to know. There was certainly an excitement in the air and a very real sense that the Lord is leading us on into new dimensions in our mission together as a family of churches.

For me it was a great joy to see so many young people worshiping God with such passion in the meetings. As I looked around I can remember many of them as little kids running around at these events. Now to see them setting their hearts on God and desiring to dedicate their lives to live for His glory I am deeply moved. There are 15 of these young people who are making plans to take a year out this year for training on one of our Frontier Year Teams.

I was particularly thrilled to hear the reports from our recent Life Change Team that went to North Africa. What a joy it was to hear stories of really life changing experiences in the lives of those who went. The Life Change Teams are a part of our Cross Cultural Training Track. I personally have a strong desire is to serve our family of churches by participating in training those who believe God has called them to cross cultural ministry. We know we are a people who will go into all the world with the greatest message human ears will ever here, the Good News of Jesus' great salvation.