Tomorrow morning I will be flying to England to attend the Newfrontiers International Forum. This is a gathering of key leaders of Newfrontiers from different nations. These times are very significant for us as a family of churches. It is time when we share together of what God is doing within the various spheres and cultures where we are working. There are always powerful times of prayer together which often become quite prophetic in nature as we lift up to the Lord the needs and challenges among us. This is also a time where we hear from Terry Virgo and other leaders in our movement regarding issues that are pivotal to what we are doing together at this time in our history as a family of churches.
Directly after the Forum I will be traveling on to Eastern Ukraine to join with Andrey Bondarenko to minister in the circle of churches that he relates to there. Andrey leads the apostolic team the serves a number of churches in that region. I have had the privilege of serving Andrey in the development of his team leadership. Through this we have become dear friends with him and his family. Our focus on this trip is to fan the flame of prophetic ministry in some of the churches he serves. I will be in Eastern Ukraine until March 27. From there I will travel to the region of Crimea in Southern Ukraine to minister to some Newfrontiers churches in that region as well. I plan to return home on April 2.
I want to ask you to pray for us as you think about us over these next weeks. Marlene will not be joining me on this trip due to the constant travel and intensity of schedule involved. I know that this is a right decision yet I certainly much prefer it when she travels with me. I ask you to pray for both of us at this time. It is always difficult to be apart. Also pray that all the churches we will visit will be strengthened and encouraged through this journey. Thanks!