As you may already know, Marlene and I are passionate about sharing God’s Great Salvation Story with others. The Bible is not just a collection of isolated stories. It is a purposeful, flowing narrative of God’s workings in human history. It really is an amazing story that comes from many human authors writing under Divine guidance from different times and places in history. To understand well the individual stories of Scripture it is important to catch something of the panorama of the whole story. That is best done by carefully reading the Bible through chronologically, paying attention to the threads that stitch the whole story together.
I would also like to recommend a book I just finished reading, which I found very helpful in recognizing these threads that run through the Bible. The title of the book is ‘Telling God’s Story’ written by Preban Vang & Terry Carter. If you share in this passion to make God’s story known to others I believe this book can help you.