Saturday, August 1, 2009

Great Time in New England!

Last weekend Marlene and I had the privilege of Participating in Celebration Northeast held at Gordon College near Boston, MA. This was a great event for all the family attended by all the churches related to Newfrontiers in the Northeastern part of the USA.

I think one of the most moving and memorable moments during the Celebration was when we all prayed for two couples and their children who are making plans to make the move to two different nations in the Middle East where there are many who have never heard the Good News of God’s great Salvation through His Son, Jesus.

This was a historic moment for us. Clearly there is an increase among us of those taking specific steps toward going to other nations out from our own numbers here in the USA. I am convinced that this is just the beginning of a new dimension of our church planting vision. We have a great desire to see new churches planted right across our own nation. We are so thankful for those who have recently made moves to other cities here such as Chicago and Charlotte, NC. We are equally grateful for those God is releasing to go to other nations to see churches planted among the many who have never heard of the love and grace of Jesus Christ.