New Community Church in Tacoma recently hosted ‘From the Nations To the Nations’ Cross Cultural Training Weekend. It was great to see about sixty people gathered from as far away as Missouri and Georgia. The teaching team was David Devenish, Lee Yarbrough and myself.
This was an important step for our church due to our vision of being a multicultural church where people from different cultures and races work together to see Jesus lifted up everywhere.
The Apostle Paul said that his calling to people of other cultures was “to bring about the obedience of faith for the sake of (Christ’s) name among all the nations.” [Romans 1:5] Heaven is going to be filled with the wonderful diversity that is only possible when people of many cultures are joined together as one ‘New Community’ under Christ’s glorious and gracious rule. In his book ‘Let the Nations Be Glad’ John Piper says, “God’s great goal in all of history is to uphold and display the glory of his name for the enjoyment of his people from all the nations.” Our vision for this kind of cross-cultural training is fueled by this great goal of God’s heart.