Monday, May 3, 2010

News From Kezi

About a month ago some strong storms knocked out the electric power here in Kezi where we have been spending a lot of our time. We have not had power since. We enjoy lots of candlelight dinners! Thanks to a generator we are able to get on the Internet fairly often.

We are very encouraged about what we are seeing God do here. Crossroads Church is continuing be strengthened through telling God’s Big Salvation Story as we move chronologically through the Bible. Last Sunday we launched a track of stories from the Book of Acts that are geared to help the young church be established in an understanding of God’s plan for his church and to experience the power of the Holy Spirit at work among us as the Body of Christ. Stephen Manhanga, who leads the church, did a wonderful job telling the story of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost and bringing us here in Kezi into the reality of that story. Next Sunday we are planning to spend special time praying for all those who would desire to be filled with the Holy Spirit as we heard about in the story.

Marlene shared the same story with the children present for the meeting on Sunday. After the story eight of the kids asked to be prayed for that they might be filled with the Holy Spirit. On that note, last week Molly Manhanga and Marlene along with others from the church had a special children's day at Crossroads. One of the men of the church told the story of Daniel in the lion’s den and there was also a drama presented. The kids were also given a meal cooked by ladies of the church in the open air over a fire. There were 120 kids that attended this event.

Also last week there was a community day at Ebenezer Agricultural Training Center here in Kezi. Numerous village leaders were invited to this event in order to continue building good relationships between those involved at Ebenezer and the local community. I had the privilege of sharing the story of Jesus calming the storm and his delivering the man with the legion of demons. For me it was a marvelous experience to see these village leaders listening to this story with great interest and expressing their appreciation for it at the end.

I have also been given a part in teaching the apprentices at the training center using Bible Storytelling. We are so grateful for every opportunity to tell the wonderful stories of God’s Great Salvation.