Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Historic Conference in England

We have just returned home from the NewFrontiers 'Together On a Mission' Conference in Brighton, England. I am confident that this will be one of those conferences that will go down as a milestone in the history of our movement. There were many messages and prophetic words pointing toward significant change and greater open doors in our future together.

One particularly significant message came from Mark Driscoll, who leads Mars Hill Church, here in the Seattle area. He spoke of the great importance of truly honoring what God has done in the founding of our movement particularly through Terry Virgo and simultaneously honoring where God desires take us in our future together. At the end of this message there was a standing ovation for several minutes. I don't think there were many dry eyes in the place as we honored what God has done among us and looked to the future in faith for a new generation of leaders coming forth.

The seminar track on prophets and prophetic ministry that I had the privilege of participating in along with Guy Miller, Keith Hazell, Julian Adams and Phil Wilthew went very well. I really felt the prophetic teamwork we were experiencing during the three sessions of this track was wonderfully blessed by the Lord. I want to thank you all for praying for us during these days.