Monday, September 15, 2008

Greetings from Zimbabwe

Hi everyone! For most of our stay here we have had limited access to the Internet, but today we are with some friends who have Broadband so I am taking advantage of that to share a brief report of our time here.

Two weeks ago we had the privilege of participating in the Farming God's Way Champion's Conference in Harare. We are so impressed with the work that is being done both here and in many other countries in Africa and beyond with this initiative to help the poor in practical areas of farming coupled with sharing the Good News about Jesus. I was asked to share on experiencing God's victory over the strongholds that keep many Christians from enjoying the full freedom God has for them through Christ. Numerous people shared with me how they really felt God had done something wonderful in them after the times of ministry we had together.

This last week we were on location at two sites where church plants are in progress. One is now using The Chronological Bible Storying method of sharing the Gospel that we have been working on here. The other will be launching the first CBS track for evangelism and sharing God's great redemptive story in the weeks ahead. It was very encouraging to be in a gathering last week where the story of Abraham offering Isaac was told and to hear the animated discussion that followed. One lady shared a story of her own about how the previous week she had needed food and did not have enough money to buy the food along with paying for public transport to town. Following the example of men like Abraham she headed off walking towards town in faith (which was quite a long distance from her home) and on the way she found on the ground sufficient money, added to what she already had, for transport to and from town as well as enough to buy the food! Everyone was greatly encouraged.

I had opportunity to share a story at the other church plant site. There is no electricity there. We all sat around the campfire in the evening and I shared the story of Adam and Eve in the the garden and the tragic fall into sin. Once again the discussion time became very lively and the next morning the buzz was still going. I am continually amazed at the way the Lord uses the stories from his Word to bring people into an awareness of his working among us here and now.

Marlene met with a number of ladies involved in children's work here to look at the possibility of developing a CBS teaching track for children. There is a great need for this. In one of the church plant sites on the first Sunday there were four children that came. On the second Sunday there were 42! On the third Sunday there were over 70. Wow!! Most of these children walk long distances, without their parents.

This last Sunday I had the privilege of speaking to the River of Life Church here in Bulawayo led by Mbonisi Malaba. At the end of the meeting we had a ministry time for people wanting to be filled with the Holy Spirit and quite a number needing healing. God's presence was tangible and I believe many were touched by his gracious presence.

I also had opportunity to speak to a class at the theological seminary here on the subject of Chronological Bible Storying. The students showed great interest in this approach to sharing the Gospel and planting churches particularly among those who are oral learners.

Later this week we will be traveling back to Harare where I will be speaking at the River of Life Church there led by Scott Marques and also participating in the Mega Vision Conference where over 1000 are expected to gather.

We want to thank you all for keeping us in prayer. Our health is good and we have felt strengthened by the Lord.