Thursday, December 31, 2009

Going From Strength to Strength through 2010 (and beyond)

Today, as I contemplate this coming year, I’m drawn to these words in Psalm 84 verses 5-7:

Blessed are those whose strength is in you,
in whose heart are the highways to Zion.
As they go through the Valley of Baca
they make it a place of springs;
the early rain also covers it with pools.
They go from strength to strength;
each one appears before God in Zion.

Here the Poet speaks of a people on a journey. Their destination is to join a vast number of people from everywhere so that together they may delight in their God. The historic setting for this Psalm in Old Testament times would have been the Israelite pilgrims who journeyed together from far away places to the Temple in Jerusalem for one of the annual festivals to celebrate God’s faithfulness and presence among them.

The journey took them through the ‘Valley of Baca’. What is this valley? The Nigerian theologian, Cyril Okorocha, makes this comment which I think catches the poetic picture; “In the course of their pilgrimage, they have to pass through the Valley of Baca, which was probably a dry valley. But God supplies refreshment to his people as they travel. However, the word ‘baca’ may mean ‘weeping’, in which case the psalmist is speaking of God’s gift of joy even in the midst of sorrow. Whichever interpretation is correct, it is clear the reality of faith is shown in perseverance and triumph through pain. The journey may be difficult, through barren country, but the sense of God’s presence on the journey is like the blessing of abundant rain watering the dry ground.” (From: Africa Bible Commentary)

With the coming of Jesus into this world the focus of true worship has shifted off a particular place or building and upon Jesus himself. Jesus said, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” (Matthew 18:20) Following Jesus never leaves us isolated from others or in a static condition. With Jesus we always find ourselves on a journey past our comfort zones. This journey must pass through dry and sorrowful valleys. Here is the good news, The Lord has an amazing way of causing his followers to turn these very places into places where they see his miracles of provision, refreshment and renewal.

Usually, when we think of hikers on a long trek we think of them finishing somewhat more depleted than when they started out. That is one of the surprises the psalmist springs on us in this passage, these pilgrims go from ‘strength to strength’. As we move into 2010 we are reminded daily of the threats of a failing economy, violence, war, terrorism and injustice on every side. But for all who follow Jesus on his mission to proclaim the Good News of His Kingdom, he promises his all-sufficient grace will be poured out in every valley we pass through. That very place will become a wonderful story of his faithfulness. The numbers on the journey with us will grow, and with our eyes intently on Jesus we are sure to move on from strength to strength.

If you are not walking with him today, call on him from your heart and join with his people on his amazing journey to bless all the nations. He promises he will not turn you away. (John 6:37)