Two days ago at Crossroads Church in Kezi we had a community day. This was a special time of teaching on Foundations for Farming for those in the community who desire to learn how to farm God’s way. Stephen Manhanga, along with some of the young men of the church, served the community well in bringing first hand experience on how to sow and reap in a way that can bring abundant harvest. There was also singing, dancing and rejoicing African style. Great fun! Some of the leading people of the community were honored at the event. Along with that, a special meal was prepared for everyone who came. Two goats where killed and cooked. There was food for all.
I also had the privilege of telling a story from God’s word to those gathered for the event. I told the story of the four friends who brought their paralytic friend to see Jesus. This is a wonderful story because it reveals Jesus’ grace in forgiving our sins as well as healing our bodies. Everyone seemed to enjoy hearing the story. I trust there where those who through the story realized they could come to Jesus for forgiveness and healing.
After all this there was a soccer game between the guys from Crossroads in Kezi and some guys who joined us from New Creation Church in Bulawayo. (The Crossroads guys allowed the guys from New Creation to win ☺).
It was a good day!